This reply goes out to Becomingundone: I notice in one of your comments that you have Crohns related arthritis, and PSC-liver disease, just wondering how long you've had Crohns and PSC. I've had Crohns for about
10years now and this is the 2nd Gastro Doc I've been to within the past 11/2years. He now wants tp put me on the drug Humira for my Fistulas, but I've never been tested for PSC, as he is going on the results of my bloodwork, which have been minimally elevated and my bilirubin he sad was normal. But I've had itching and fatigue, and redplams, and I guess the only way to diagonise PSC is thru a liver biopsy. I started having these other systems probably I'm thinking for about
the last 2years. Just wondering if your taking anything for the Crohns and the PSC? I'm wondering if a person can take 2 different kinds of meds to help for both. My GI Doctor seems to think I don't have faith in what he says, and I guess he's just relying on the bloodwork. I'm trying to get approved for the drug Humira and I am still kinda scared about
taking this drug and wonder too if that is going to help the other problem as well. I guess they monitor you every 3months or so to make sure your doing okay and the 1st 2-injections are given at the hospital to make sure you don't have a bad reaction. So sorry for rambling on, but I just don't know what to expect. Thanks--Silvergriz