I am not sure if this is helpful, but here is my experience.
When I was first diagnosed I read what I could and came to the believe that for me there is a corelation between food and how I was feeling. Some suggested that I start a food diary but somehow I could not really figure this out. I started and then I stopped and it was not working for me.
I then started reading about diets designed to address Crohn's. I read about makers, fodmap, low res, SCD, Low Carb and others. I selected a diet that I thought was best for me. That gave me a real baseline of what I should eat and what I should not. Also the one i selected started out with a very small list of things that I could eat and gave a plan of how to introduce slowly new stuff. Following the plan set by the diet I discovered that even though the diet "allowed" honey, that honey was not for me. I found that out because I was on a small list of things to eat and I could much more easily see what one ingrediant was doing to my gut.
I am not saying that for all that following a diet designed by someone else is the best but being handed the structure was the way to go for me. Also, for lots of folks following any of the diets is too much of a pain, so each to their own, but picking a diet might be something to consider then a food diary if requried.