I've got all fingers, toes whatever I can cross for you becky. I got fireds from a job(hated) because I made some mistakes. They were looking for me to make mistakes, because of my ongoing medical thru HR. my Co. hated me for that, fellow workers hated me, all because I would call in or during my shift I would tell them I'm to sick to continue. Then they would force me to work OT hopeing that i would quit. Luckily our art business has taken off again so the only bummer is ins. (big bummer) the only reason I took that job was for ins. Blackjack dealer in casino. the worst for flareing cd person. I feel for you, I know how nervous you must be. I made my mistakes because of pred. i couldn't think straight, and i had to do all that math all the time. Is there anyway you could explain about thinking and medications, and are they aware of your cd?