I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's and understand everyone is different. I want to see if anyone is like me and am curious what works for them or if anyone has any insight on things I could do to feel better.
I am going to be a little graphic so if that sort of thing bothers you...stop reading now.
I have been bleeding and having pain (sometimes major - feels like i'm being stabbed) when having a bowel movement for something like 5 years now. It started out once/month, then once/week, then when I finally asked the doctor about
it (last august), it was probably 50% of the time or more. Not a major amount of blood...sometimes just spots on the toilet paper and sometimes several drops in the bowl - usually more pain resulted in more blood. I had a colonoscopy and MRI and have ulcers throughout my colon and inflammation in my terminal ileum. I was on Asacol for a month. I told the doctor it didn't make a difference. I was then switched to Apriso (been on it for almost 2 months now) and 6 MP (just started in early March). I never had any stomach pain so can't tell if anything is different in that aspect but going to the bathroom is worse now. Before I would go through periods where I had pain for awhile then no pain. Now I have pain with every bowel movement. I do not bleed anymore but I am pretty certain it is because I take a stool softener everyday. I took a stool softener daily before being on any meds and it stopped the bleeding. Once on Asacol I tried stopping the stool softener and started bleeding again so now I just keep taking them (against my doctor's advice - but I don't see the harm in taking them). I have 2 anal skin tags, I think that's what they are, and I'm pretty certain there is an
open wound on the inside of one of them. Also there is a bump that swells and gets hard after bowel movements. Could that be an internal hemorrhoid? My GI gave me Canasa which made me feel like I was on fire. Then I tried proctofoam which helped with itching at night but not pain during BMs. I do take baths after BMs if I'm at home which helps a bit with swelling, but the pain always comes back. Any suggestions on meds? Or anything else that might help? Also, is there anything I can do to stop the growth of additional skin tags? They seem to be getting larger.
Thanks for reading!