Cancer is already an epidemic with at least one in five destined to contract it. We should try our best to lower the odds with proper nutrition, frequent checkups (including colonoscopies) and perhaps checking our vitamin D levels. The last thing we need is to artificially suppress our immune systems unnecessarily.
Of course if there are no other alternatives then we have no choice; but at least perform some rudimentary research into other therapies. For example there is reason to believe that antibiotics with probiotics can jumpstart remission: there are rectal meds such as Rowasa enemas. And there is LDN, (most doctors are not even aware of LDN).
The problem is that some doctors will prescribe biologics before other alternatives are exhausted. If immunosuppressants are the only means to attain a quality life then OK, but don’t let your doctor lead you down a slippery slope with toxic side effects without at least first checking out other alternatives.