Well In June it will be my 5th infusion, and my only 2 complaints are i get a major headache the day after( which i was able to control with a couple of migraine tylenol an hour before my infusion the last round) and itchy itchy itchy, which i hope by the 5th they will be able to give me a shot of benadryl(sp?) other than that...woo hoo!!!!! had a scope a couple of weeks ago and what a difference. I am all pink inside again!!!(instead of some strange alien color..it was not pretty let me tell you)
You'll be great!! The nurses are wonderful, and if you do feel "funny" or not right, they are there at your side!! I love my nurses at the clinic. I'll be there( mentaly) holding your hand for you. Good luck and let us know how it went. :)