Hello, I wanted to introduce myself to everyone all of you are amazing and the information and support has been invaluable.
I began to get sick in April I started to notice I had to go to the bathroom more often. In May I had diarrhea on and off. Nothing too severe the most I went was 4x in one days. I attributed it to developing IBS. I then started to develop joint pain and this is when my panic set in. I also had a day of horrible stomach cramping where I couldnt eat because I felt it would make the pain worse. This subsided although I still feel like I get cramps. I still have joint pain and some eye pain which is horrible because I have a summer course online and it makes it difficult to keep up. I went to my doctor and explained my symptoms to her which at the time seem to be all extra intestinal. She mentioned Lupus and lyme disease but didnt mention chrons until I brought it up. I have had a colonscopy and endoscopy done both came out fine. I think that was her reasoning for ruling out chrons. They said I have internal hemorrhoids. I have this strange feeling like I have to go but cant (constipation?) My doctor told me it sounds autoimmune and is willing to treat me with steroids. I am thankful for that but scared of all of this. I get muscle twitches all over my body and joint pain jumps around. The reason I say its chrons is because of my symptoms that started in april and into may. Where do I go from here? I mentioned all of my symptoms to my doctor and he told me that my stomach is fine and that all of my other symptoms are unrelated. I am at a loss and I am feeling pretty rotten. My family has been great but I dont think they know how much emotional pain I am in. I am really afraid that I will wake up with something new. I try to keep things positive and live one day at a time and that has helped. Looking for advice or a shoulder to cry on : (
Post Edited By Moderator (Nanners) : 6/17/2011 8:33:47 AM (GMT-6)