Hello everyone,
This is just me, saying hello, because you have all made such a positive impact on my life. I want to know how you’re all doing – I need to come here more often to just ‘hang out’!
At the moment I’m doing pretty well… working more than I should, longer hours than I should, but overall I am happy. My boyfriend moved to another state so we could live together, and life is good, I love living with him. I still have weird days, where things go haywire, and my body is still largely a mystery to me (and my mind, for that matter), but I feel honoured to have even but a moment of remission, after the years of flaring. I get weird bruises for no reason, and cramps for no reason, but compared to the bad times I’ve had, I’m feeling good.
For all of you who are flaring, I hope you have some good support around you, and people who make you feel normal. Ivy, I think about you all the time.
I just wanted you to know I appreciate you all, and this place – its existence is a pure blessing.