I'm freakin out a little. I'm about
7 months pregnant and my CD is doing relatively well. I do have about
a 4 in narrowing at the resection site and had a partial obstruction at about
3-4 months along (cleared up on it's own, just had some kind of "safe" pain meds to get me through). Anyway, I'm freaking out a little because I the child inside me once in a great while (maybe 3 times now) has like "spazzed" out inside of me. It feels like it's whole little body is writhing back and forth quickly for about
20 seconds. The little research I've done on the internet, most pages say other women experienced similar feelings and their doctors told them not to worry. However, the only published articles I've seen on the subject (from Korea) say these episodes are febrile tonic colonic seizures. It also says that if the child is having these seizures in the womb the prognosis is grim.
Is there any chance any of your Crohnie ladies out there have had similar feelings with healthy children?? This is not my first pregnancy and I've NEVER felt anything like this in the past. I have been sick almost this whole pregnancy (respiratory - Dr. refused to treat, long story) and I have chalked up any strange symptoms to either the narrowing in my intestine, respiratory issues or pregnancy hormones.
Please help.