Had my first follow up today. My GI is the same one who performed the Colo / Endo and I have to say after seeing him again today I like him. We talked about
how I was doing and I've made a lot of improvement, and was surprised when he said my case was pretty severe when I went to the ER. Even though I wasn't in a lot of pain at the time.
I weaned from 40mg of Pred to 15mg and still feel good. He decided to start me on 150mg of Imuran and stay at 15mg of Pred until the Imuran has a chance to take affect. He gave me the side effects speech and in doing my reading here over the past few weeks I understand that it can really cause probelsm in people. So naturally I'm a bit anxious to start taking it. I was curious if anyone here could help me out with their experiences with it.