Posted 8/21/2011 12:24 AM (GMT 0)
Hi there everyone.
I'm so glad I joined this forum. I too am waiting on a diagnosis. (Colonoscopy Aug. 24th) I posted my own thread, but not many have replied so I thought I'd get in on this conversation. I'm a big believer in - we know our bodies. Whilst we may not be doctors, I believe God designed us in a way that our bodies are definitely able to tell us, "hey, look, something is not right here." For me, looking back, I've had an overactive bowel for years, many D's, but I never thought anything of it. now, for about the last 3 months, I've been plagued by new symptoms everyday it seems. I started getting the terrible bloating from one bite of food and a sip of drink (literally), the cramping assocaited with the bloating or whatever is going on internally. Then came the nausea, and sometimes eye inflammation, I have itchy skin a lot now, but no rash, I'm on sinus infection #2 within a one month period, many days, but not all, I have really bad pain in my back (low/mid). Last Saturday I went to the ER because I had at least 15 watery D's, but my anal cavity (I guess) had become so inflamed that it was hard to pass even gas or the watery stuff. I had gone to the ER mostly because that night I was also experiencing trouble breathing. I don't understand what is going on with me, but it seems (if it's Crohn's) that it's attacking every part of my body. There was no blockage last weekend (not surprised as I had been on the pot all day long).
I just hope that all of us can help each other. I've always felt guilty and alone for complaning about any of my ilnesses (was dx with borderline personality and major depression with psychosis back in '04) and wish that I had not let those things define me. I am learning now, even if I do have Crohn's to try and help others and just be who I want to be. When I started letting doctors tell me I had a problem, I let them manifest into bigger problems than they needed to be in the first place.
So, I just encourage everyone to write down here what they are feeling or experiencing so we can all help each other. I know right now I can hardly breath from my sinus infection and I broke down crying at urgent care last night because I can't stand that I've literally been sick for 3 months with something or another. I am finally starting to appreciate life, not because a religion or God told us we should, but because I truly believe it will help bring me more joy. So, not to be nosy, but I hope to be involved in ya'lls journey on here because I believe we all need a friend, companion, etc. (btw-my life partner is out of town this weekend so I'm all alone/sick by myself)