Heya Gang
Just FYI funny little story.
Got up at 3 am for my usual bathroom fest.
My bedroom window is huge and faces out onto our backyard, mostly our decking. I have a chair out there with an inflatable rubber cusion covered by a thick pillow case, pretty hemmerohid seat basicly, but I get my sun that way in the mornings.
So my cat is scratching at our window, which is her way of saying "I have to pee". She has a litter box inside to, but she is an outdoor cat and wouldn't have it any other way. Her name is Bella. Bell for short.
So I open the window, we pulled a small part of the screen lining out so its like a cat door, if the window is open she is free to come and go as she pleases, she is a blessing to my GF and I and the cat goes jumping out into the night as usual.
I looked down at my chair and had to rub my eyes, I couldn't believe it. There was an ardvark sitting on my chair, on my hemerrohid pillow, just licking himself away, night cleaning I suppose.
I can't help but wonder, has this adrvark been nightanning in my chair for a long time, perhaps a one time thing. Does he have hemerhoids to. This was cool, hilarious and a fun thing to see, I live in the city, this kind of sight is highly unusual here.
Weird, my cat went right by, like the ardvark poesed no threat, the ardvark never stopped cleaning itself. If it had been another cat from the neiborhood, Bell would have jumped on that, she doesnt let other cats come into her teritory, I suppose that is true for most cats.
The ardvark finished his cleaning, slowly dropped off the chair and headed toward my back fence gate which has a small opeing under the bottom of it, about a 3 inch gap, just enough to allow creatures that size in and out I guess, I would fix it, but it would block Bell out to.
I don't know why this made such an impression on me, I wish I had my camera at the time.