Posted 10/2/2011 4:16 AM (GMT 0)
Obstructions are not part of my Crohn's repetoire, but if this was one..... I'd be begging for surgery than go through this again.
As I described in the other thread, I've been having problems with my BMs ever since falling ill and going into hospital. They are painful, doubled-up, groaning-with-an-impossible-to-pinpoint agony. It does come in waves... however, I never connected it with labour pains, which - never having given birth - I've never had. (Just going from Nanner's description here.)
Anyway, tonight it reached a crescendo of awfulness, beginning about midnight. I had so many agonising trips to the toilet, passing stool but only a little bit each time. At one point I laid on the bathroom floor for ages; there were a few obscenely loud gurgles in my lower right abdomen. Now, I'm used to loud gurgles but this did sound a bit like water going down a plughole.
I finished up with two vomiting bouts. Didn't think I had enough solid food left in me to bring up, but the first time I managed it... some dinner from 10 hours ago...
Even now there's still some very gurgly gurgling going on here and there, but I think the worst has passed. Fever has broken. I just feel very, very shaky. Also, bit of background info: last Monday my consultant felt my stomach and said it was bloated. He also said there were some tinkling sounds and looked a bit concerned. The next day I had an abdominal xray, which revealed apparently nothing of interest, cos there was no other follow up.
I'm seriously considering an all-liquid for a few days; my only concern is calories.