I've been suffering with the for years and have developed several strategies to combat it, although I have to admit, none are completely effective. The first thing I do is increase my vitamins to include at least a Vitamin B Complex 100. It never hurts a Crohnie to boost their Vit B intake. I hadn't thought about
Zinc being a factor but since my lips just cracked again yesterday, I guess I'll give that a try.
Angular cheilitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs on the lips so it seems to me that it goes hand in hand with the CD. The definition of CD includes inflammation and ulceration anywhere along the digestive tract from the lips to the anus.
I also suffer from frequent bouts of thrush and keeping that under control is a factor for me. This is really the hard part.
The one thing that I've found which really seems to help is Blistex ointment. The Blistex waxy sticks are fine if you're trying to prevent chapped lips, but when you're lips burn everytime you open your mouth it's the ointment that relieves it some. I really hate when my lips have been good for a while and just as I take the first bite of that juicy cheeseburger they split. Then the ketchup burns so bad I don't want to finish the burger. So Annoying!
I hope you find a way to get relief and get your lips healed.