Just wondering when you get a run of the mill cold how long does it take you to fully get over it? When I was on Remi Imuran combo it could be up of 3 months with many complications incl bronchitis or pneumonia (and always a sinus inf). When just on Humira alone I would be good in a week 2 at most (with no added complications 95% of the time. I got this cold I have now over 2 weeks ago no sign of bacterial infection but I am really getting fed upw ith it now I have been using my HUmira (GI listened said it was ok). Still have severe PND and coughing from it. I am not as bad as I had been also been using benadryl and asthma meds.
Just sick of this darn cold and want to get an idea of when it will pass. The doc also doubled my Imuran about 1.5 weeks after getting the cold (50 to 100mg)