You should discuss this with your Doc because there is help available. Certainly Reynaud's is a possibility, but whatever the cause, a Pain Mgmt Doc could help. My mother always had poor circulation to her feet, most likely due to narrowing of the arteries secondary to diabetes. The Doc told her that she should have a Lumbar Sympathectomy every fall, just before the cold weather sets in. Altho she did't have it every year, she did so it several times and at one point, it literally saved her from losing her foot after complications from bunion surgery.
Because the procedure has the word Lumbar in it, most people back away from even considering it. They assume that this has something to do with an injection into the Lumbar Spine. However, that's not true.It is an injection and tho it's given in the Lumbar area, it is near the spine, but not into it. The purpose it is inject the area of the Sympathetic nerves which cause the blood vessels to contract thereby restricting blood flow. After the injection, the blood vessels relax and circulation is increased. It is truly a wonderful thing and most Docs can give you a mild sedative or even conscious sedation!
Whatever you do, I hope you find something that works for you.