Hi Sparkle
I have been doing SCD for about 18 months and I do not even think about stopping.
For me I was so sick, of feeling sick, that in the big picture, a diet change is really no big deal. I say in the big picture because there are some days where it is a pain to do this diet.
I looked for advice but at the end of the day all the books condradict each other and so do folks on this site. So you are on your own.
So how do you prepare?
1) Be sick of being sick.
2) Do your own research unitl you are totally convinced that changing your diet will heal your gut. I to needed to be 100% convinced that this radical change and the associated work that goes with it was the best decsion. So I researched healing diets like crazy. I read and bought books on Gaps, Paloe, Low Res, FodMAp, Makers, Low Carb, Nourashing Traditions and others. I saw trends and over laps and I saw some difference but my reading convinced me that I could improve my health by changing what I eat.
3) Continue to do research unitl you decide whcich diet feels right for you. No one can tell you and because of the size of the change I am not sure there are any short cuts to deciding which diet. I must have read 20 books and tons of articles.
4) Find the diet specific support groups (online and in person) and be an active member. Birds of a feather.... And folks who are doing the same diet know tricks and can relate to any challanges you face.
5) Be 100% committed for a valiid period of time
6) Be prepared to learn like crazy and make adjustments along the way
Without going into detail, I was out of shape and sick daily. I now can complete 100+ mile bike rides. Because of my experience I have to encourage others, cause I want for you what diet has done for me.
I am curious, please let us know what path you are taking, even if it is to do nothing re diet at this time