Posted 1/21/2012 6:09 AM (GMT 0)
In October, I started having extreme pain in the shoulders, wrist, hands fingers, hips and back. Call the GI guy, thinking it was a reaction to the Humira. I reacted to the Remacade after 3 treatments and had to go on high does of steroids on a 6 mo taper. Had no knuckles any more due to the swelling. Couldn't lift my arms up over my head. Having trouble lifting my legs up to get out of the car. The GI guy said he didn't think it was from the Humira and not stop it and to see my GP. Thinking it could be gout or some other manifestation. After 40 min. with the GP. He wrote a script for a Medrol dose pack. In 3
days everything was gone. All pain, swelling, and range of motion returned. I had knuckles on my hand. Made it through till the last pill of the dose pack and everything started coming back. The pain, swelling, etc. Within a week, I was back to where I was before. I had some prednisone I use for my dogs allergies, so I took that and stopped the Humira. Everything disappeared again, made it through Xmas. Tapered off the Pred. and symptoms came back again, even off the Humira. Couldn't get in to see anybody due to Xmas, finally got into the GP, who said I needed blood test, xrays, and to see a Rheumatologist and my GI guy. Got into the GI guy after the xrays and blood tests and he said I have an Inflamatory Arthritis condition maybe due to the Crohn's or the Humira. Stop the Humira, and get by until I can see the Rheumatologist. I just started a new job the day after I saw him, and had to make it through the day, so back to the dogs Prednisone. I made it.
They called today with the appointment for March 14th. Percocet doesn't kill all the pain, nor give me range of motion that I need to perform my 4 hr a day job. I wouldl like a little input how to deal with this situation. HELP!!