DominionConquest said...
Just read your last post and saw about the specialty pharmacy. That is true, mine is shipped to my work. Always remember to have the medication shipped somewhere where you can immediately put it into the fridge. If you let the drug warm up to room temperature for too long it is no longer good, I've had this happen. Luckily it was Walgreens fault (before the specialty pharmacy thing became manditory) and they had to dish out the $2800 for the replacement.
I'm not sure about the insurance choosing between Cimzia and Humira, that is the first I've heard of that rule because my insurance - Cigna - has now covered both the medications for me. So I think your doctor can get a prior authorization approved through your insurance for Humira if that's the drug he/she chooses for you.
I also agree (from one control freak to another) that the syringe is the way to go. You control the flow (which does sting when injected fast like from the pen) and I would never and could never have anyone else inject my medication. I believe you'll do fine with the medication. And if it is Cimzia I hope that you don't have the same issues I did with it and that it helps you!
Thanks for all of the great tips! I got an email from my nurse and it sounds like the insurance co. doesn't care (I didn't think they would... they've been pretty awesome so far), so it looks like we'll be going with Humira. Labs all look great and I'm going to get my TB test read today (clearly negative) and then just have to wait for the order to go through. Yeah, I'll definitely be doing my own injections. I am one of the biggest control freaks I know. :) I've been on Imuran for months now and just over the past 2 or so, I've noticed the hair over my forehead has started to fall out. I'm taking a good multi now to try to combat this. I have to stay on Imuran for the first 12 weeks I'm on Humira because my doc said they've recently found that doing that helps to prevent the body from building antibodies against the Humira (and it therefore stops working). I hear this happens with Remicade a lot.
Oh and thanks for the tid bit on the Protection Plan. I will definitely be looking into it! Our co-pay for the Humira will be $50 for a 34 day supply. Not too bad when you consider how pricey it is, but $50/mo. is a pretty hefty co-pay for us, so if we can get it down to $5, then awesome!