Hi Everyone,
Quick version:
I have Crohn's disease and it started in July 2009. I was finally diagnosed in February 2010. I have had no success with any of the medications. By November 2011 I was down to 96lbs. and dying. I was put on an IV to be fed nutrients (TPN) and get my weight up. It got to the point where I was wearing diapers, working from home and couldn't leave the house because just standing up would cause me to have an accident. I had a second colonoscopy done to confirm the Crohn's disease in February 2012 and the doctors were still not sure if I had it. I was told I had no other option, but surgery or another drug (don't recall the name). The other drug offered has a 1 in 1000 chance of brain damage. I finally opted for the surgery to have my colon removed.
My surgery was on April 2012. I am miserable and scared I made the wrong decision. I was told I would get a confirmed diagnosis once my colon was removed and it came back as Crohn's indefinitely. From what I have been informed by both my GI doctor and my sugeon is that I do not qualify for the J Pouch surgery. I absolutely hate this Ostomy Bag and not coping with it at all. I thought I would handle it much better, especially since I'm getting my life back, but I'm not.
From the research I've done there is a 65% to 70% chance of success for a patient with Crohn's to have the J Pouch surgery done. My Crohn's was limited to my colon. Is there anyone out there who has Crohn's and had the J Pouch surgery performed?