I can sympathize....except my binges are on what most people consider healthy foods. I can not eat veggies without terrible pain...but sometimes I have to have the cauliflower that is put in front of me. THen I pay for it dearly. Strangely...cake I can eat. The milk and dessert foods that bother most folks seem to work for me. But even applesauce doubles me over.
I have a hubby who gently slaps my hand when I reach for cashews or a carrot (I think he just knows he will have to hear me groaning later haha). That has helped me pay more attention to the consequences. I also think having been doing this for so many years has taught me the lesson a few times...yet once in a great while I still "cheat". It is human nature. Don't beat yourself up for it and you may not feel so guilty and need to cheat as much.
As for chocolate....I love it but I do work with very small portions. Try Dove dark that comes in the miniature wrapped pieces. Put them in a container that has a snap lid or a zipper bag so you have to take a second to open it. And put them away in a cupboard. Let yourself have one every so often.
Take care...