They gave me asacol after I was diagnosed as a kid.
It worked really well, then not so well, and then they doubled the dose, and I was fantastic!
But I guess my Crohns was very mild as a kid.
I had a really hard time swallowing the pills too.
I was just a kid. I had never swallowed pills before.
I used to just take liquid medicine, so it was a real struggle.
My dad had to teach me how to take pills.
First, he made me swallow a grain of rice, then a raisin, and then the pill. It was hard. I choked a few times and the pill went flying across the room, but I got it down eventually!
I felt so much better with the asacol.
In fact, I felt too good. My parents started thinking that I was misdiagnosed and not really sick.
I eventually went off the meds and just dealt with my mild symptoms for years untill finally they all came back 200 times worse in 2009.
Now I'm considered severe with abscesses and fistulas. Who knows if my disease would have progressed at the same speed if I had just taken my meds all these years?