My cousin has been in a major flar since Jan with massive inflammation in the illium. Also since Jan, she has been following the SCD diet 100% to the absolute letter without any cheating what so ever , and it has done absolutely nothing for her to relieve her symptoms of pain, or reduce the inflammation. The only thing that has helped a little is predisone which she is on at 10mg.
Now she has only had extreme pain and never had any D with this flare, so maybe without the diet she might have been worse off, but as for inflammation, the diet has done absolutley nothing to reduce the pain or the inflammation. Matter of fact, it is getting worst. Just last week she was in the hospital for 4 days because of a massive pelvic abscess she developed during the last few months, and she is now scheduled for surgery next Wed to remove about 10 inches of her illium and the valve.
From my research into this diet, I believe it is really good and can be of great benefit if you are newlly diagnosed with CD, or you have a mild form of CD, but if you have a severe case of CD with a lot of inflammation, I would not count on this diet to reduce the inflammation. It might make the symptoms less, but at least in my cousins case, it has done nothing to relieve the inflammation.
After the surgery, my cousin plans to continue following the SCD diet with the hopes it will help her maintain remission, but also she still will need other drugs like pentasa or imuran just to play safe.