eva124 said...
do you exercise during a flare? i worry that a good workout might somehow make my flare worse...sounds stupid but i dont want to wear myself out with excercise + work and make myself worse the next day and does exercising stop the weight gain from pred?
Not knowing your complete background and circumstances (besides CD) I'd advise the following.
Start with low impact exercises which should include both aerobic exercises, which burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness and moderate strength training exercises to strengthen your muscles. Begin every workout session with stretching and breathing exercises. Then try low impact aerobic exercises such as walking, riding a stationary bike, elliptical trainer, Etc.
Start slowly, carefully and increase the intensity of your workouts depending on how you feel.
After your aerobic exercises, try some strengthening exercises such as simple push ups and leg lifts. Unless you're already advanced and working with weights, start with just a few repetitions and try to increase them every few days as your strength increases. This would be for both the low impact exercises and or weight training.
I also include a cool down period after working out with a walk on a treadmill. Of course if not already, dietary changes can help minimize weight gain from Prednisone.
For myself, when I am not taking Prednisone, exercising is where I derive my energy from. I exercise daily, every morning and have energy for the day.
When on Prednisone, I have too much energy and often suffer from insomnia, not sleeping for 2 days at a clip.
To answer your question about
exercising during flare ups. I always have, the very reason I began exercising, weight training, martial arts is due to Crohn's.
I wanted to be mentally and physically stronger, my way of combating the disease. These are examples of how I increase my energy levels, decrease stress and improve my sense of well being.
I hope this helps but if you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask.
You may find this "Exercise & Muscle Directory" helpful-