Hey Phoebe, Your descript
ion of your pain sounds exactly like mine. The majority of my ulcers are in my descending colon and this seems to be where the centre of most of my pain radiates from. During my fistulotmy( a double no less!!!), the surgeon discovered what he described to be an "ulcer the size of a baseball" right smack dab in the centre of my descending colon, which explained the area of my pain and the prefered path of my fistulas. I have resisted having any further surgeries as I have heard from many of my fellow remecaders that once they start cutting, it's the beggining of the end, as it leads to more surgeries. I live with the pain and fistulas and am banking on humira at this point. I have found that a lower temperature bath helps with the burning(maybe a mental thing, but it seems to help me), and my diet has everything to do with my pain level, unless I'm on a flare through which I grin and bare. The spicier the food, the longer the suffering for me. Dairy also reeks havoc on me, even a nibble of chocolait. As for the gurgling...laying down on my stomache seems to make it go away faster. Hope you find what works best for you, and that your feeling better soon.