Roxxy said...
:( thanks for your response. Ill keep you posted.
Please do Roxxy, hoping the best for you.
Do you know when you're getting results of the tests that have been run? It seems as though with your other post, you should have had the results by now?
I'm copying this from another thread in which we discussed what tests are done for a possible diagnosis in regards to IBD.
"It is just as important for a GI to rule out other conditions since they may produce similar symptoms, for example, ulcerative colitis which may also cause abdominal cramping and diarrhea.
A physical examination by a GI, checking for tenderness or any inflammatory masses present at the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.
Also the GI should do a complete blood count test. This is to possibly reveal if Crohn's is present, Anemia, White blood cell levels, Differential, Platelet count and an ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Also Stool tests.
Then further testing to be included, Radiologic and Endoscopic Testing. Such as a CT, Ultrasound, MRI and Endoscopy. The Colonscopy has already been completed.
Also as Jason pointed out, though our commonality may be having Crohn's (If this is definitely the case) what we take as far medications differs, our tolerances, at what stage we're at with inflammation, scar tissue build up, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and the other symptoms that comes with having Crohn's."
Here is the thread if you would like to read it-