Posted 1/14/2013 6:50 PM (GMT 0)
I am 34 and have been diagnosed with a very mild case of Crohns Colitis since Nov 98, of course until Jan 2012 when this disease hit me like a brick wall. For the first 13 years I had very limited symptoms, ie, sporadic diarhea, stomach cramps, gas but almost always surrounding when i drank too much or ate something I should not have eaten (spicy mexican, italian, greasy pizza, cheese burgers, etc). I was young and naive and to be honest never thought having Crohns was that big of a deal. I thought it is was more of a nuissance than anything. You know, alot of diarhea and having to always scope out the nearest bathroom when you were having a mild flare. I have been on Asachol since as long as I can remember which worked like a charm. So well infact that I was in remission up until 07 when my current GI added 6-MP due to some mild symtoms returning. The 6-MP added to the Asachol helped minimize the symptoms but i have since never reached remission again. Which brings me to this last year's events. In late Jan 12, I was running with a group from work and got what I thought was quite a runners cramp in my mid to upper left abdomin. I continued to run thinking it would go away. Of course it did not. This pain continued for a couple of days before I decided to see my primary care doc who ordered a CT with contrast that showed what she thought was diverticulitis with the absence of a diverticuli ( i know sounds strange). She prescribed two anti biotics and I called my GI. He didn't agree but could not get me into see him. As soon as I started the anitbiotics the pain increased exponentially. This was Friday, approximately 1 week after the first onset of pain, so I decided to go to the ER since i figured that was the only way I could ensure I see my GI since they could call him for an emergency consult. Long story short, they admitted me, I had an emergency colonoscopy that showed severe inflamation and ulceration in my colon (i dont know exactly which part, the last turn before it descends to your rectum) and I spent fours days receiving high doses of IV steroids and pain meds. I left with pain meds, Prednisone and started Hurmira in Mar. I finally started feeling half way alive again in June and came off the Prednisone. But the pain in my upper left abdomin which I can only describe as a constant burning under my ribs never really went away. I should mention, this is not a pain I had ever experienced with my Crohns in the past. I was able to eat normal foods and regain some normalcy until about September when the pain came back with a vengence. They didn't admit that time but sent me home from work for about four days with stronger pain meds, put me back on Prednisone and I reloaded the Humira and went to weekly injections instead of 2/month. So currently, I have this constant burning pain under my left ribs, with intermittent sharp stabbing pains that take my breath away that radiate to my back in the same place directly behind the front pain, and now a right sided pain is starting behind my ribs that is not as bad. I cannot eat anything except mashed/cooked potatoes/sweet potatoes, pureed baby food (bananas/apple sauce), no fruit or raw vegetables at all or instant pain (within minutes of eating), only cooked veggies I can eat are carrots, kelogges protien shakes (Ensure shakes got too expensive). I have lost 18 lbs since Sept. I have no energy. Some days the pain is so bad I just want to lay in bed. I take pain meds nearly daily just to be able to get up and do what needs to be done during the day. I am getting so frustrated because no one seems to know what is wrong. My last colonoscopy in October showed minor inflammation and scarring and the meds were working, which leaves me wondering why I am still in so much pain. An upper GI scan was done and nothing was found there either. I was refered for a pill scan tomorrow so I am axious to see what they have to say and hoping that maybe that will uncover something the other test have missed. Please if there is anyone out there that has experienced anything similiar let me know. I am just grasping for something, any clue. I know everyone is different, but hopefully someone out there knows something that can help. If you took the time to read my very long story, thank you and God Bless.