Hi everyone,
I have been diagnosed with Celiac and Crohn's disease. I have dealt with Celiac since 2010 and now am starting to experience Crohn's flares. My GI doc is taking things slow as far as treatment, which I appreciate, because I am Active Duty Air Force and trying to stay afloat. I have made 2 ER visits because of D, severe throat/esophagus ulcers and flu-like symptoms thus far. 5 days of Prednisone has done the trick as of now.
Essentially, I am looking for reassurance that while these diseases are ANNOYING, they are not life-changers. I have a very supportive wife, and I am lucky for this. I feel guilty that my diet is SO specific and that our lifestyle has changed. I feel guilty when I lack energy or feel crummy. I feel guilty that my 6 month old daughter may receive the genetics of these diseases.
How can I get my focus onto being positive and happy, despite having to live with such strict parameters? I mean, I don't have cancer... I have all my limbs... I can run/exercise/etc. What kinds of things do you do to stay positive? Also, do you complain to your spouse/family and if so, how much? I would much rather complain to Crohn's sufferers so that it doesn't sound negative/weak.