I had a temporary ileostomy until July when I was reversed. A week later an abscess formed and a fistula resulted from that process from the reconnection site to a scar right below what is left of my belly button from surgeries and scars... It produced another branch off the same fistula to right above it in my belly button. I got c diff in december and it came back a month later and I am still on liquid vancomycin for it and just finishing up, and also prednisone for the colitis it caused.
I was having pain throughout my abdomen like I was being kicked by a horse or punched in the stomach to the point I would have to bend over and hold my breath to make it through even with pain medicine about
mid-January. I went to the ER and they said it was probably because of my medicines I was on that are making me make too much acid. I was not aware that that kind of pain came from acid... and they told me to buy OTC acid blocker and take that. It seemed to help for a week, when I got my last remicade treatment the pain lessened. I still have sharp pain over the top of my abdomen across where the fistula is. My surgeon said that there is usually inflammation with the fistula's because it is connected to my colon and it puts out stool. (I am trying to hold off surgery until May when my semester is over and I graduate...) He told me to try Ibuprofen and warm compresses on top of my oxyIR for the pain. The pain is less frequent but I am afraid that I have a complication brewing from this fistula. I can feel a pulling sensation across where the fistula sits and I am assuming that it is from scar tissue connecting things that shouldn't be and probably part of the source of my pain. The pain is also worse when the fistula is putting out more stool. The amount has increased that is coming out of it.
Has anyone had experience with this kind of situation? What has helped? I hate relying on pain meds because of risk of dependence/addiction. I try to wean off of the med and the pain comes back and if I take it every 8 hours or so the pain stays away. I hate calling my doctors for something that could be nothing or only surgery will fix that I am trying to put off. And yes I know it is their job to answer my questions but I hate wasting their time when other people who have a problem that can be fixed today be seen. I am also VERY anxious for what I will be told... I don't want to be told that I HAVE to have surgery sooner than I want... I do want the surgery but I want to graduate from nursing school. My anxiety is through the roof with this pain that I can't tell why it is happening and there is no reason I can figure as to why its happening (food, drink, movement, etc) and what it may mean... I feel overloaded dealing with this and going to school. I know that is not a good thing either.