mrs06chris said...
I was wondering if any ladies have had issues with what feels like uterine cramping? I've suffered with this for years with no real answers except a few ovarian cysts. My doc has me on Enticort and Pentasa. Any bad side effects with these drugs?
Hi! This is also my first post as I just joined the forum this evening as well. I was diagnosed in 04 with UC and then in 07 with Endometriosis. Short of visible blood or mucus when moving my bowels it is nearly impossible for me to tell the difference between symptoms. I have recently found that there is a very large connection between the two diseases. Currently i'm experiencing my first UC flare in several years. My Dr. has suggested I have another colonoscopy to ensure that i'm experiencing UC and not endometriosis. While this seem drastic to me, i'd rather know for sure before starting asacol or some other medication again. I have treated both diseases with diet and lifestyle. I eat an 80% gluten, red meat, hormone treated, dairy free diet. This has had a tremendous effect on my pain levels but unfortunately has not eliminated all symptoms. Unfortunately, I have no insight on the medications you listed. Good Luck!