hu1988 said...
, i am a crohns disease suffer i was diagnosed january of 2012, i am 25 years old and have had crohns for 1 1/2 years, i have been through hell with it all since september 2011 when i collapsed in my house with pain in my abdomen and a fever of 38.1c i was in hospital for 2 1/2 weeks and was transported to a specialist where i had my colonoscopy done, i waited 3 months for my results to find out i had crohns, i have had my symptoms for 2 years previous to me discovering my condition and was told repeatedly by doctors it was all in my head, since the day of my diagnosis i have been on mesalasine 6 months after the pain still had not gone away so my dosage was upped i saw my gastroenterologist in november 2012 to be told i had to go on to prednisolone 1 32mg a day and slowly reduce with no success in february of 2013, i saw her again with no success from the steroids, i was then added on to azathioprine, i have now been taking these tablets for 2 monthhs with no change, i saw her on 11 april 2013 to have her tell me i have to now go throught he process of preparing to be put on infliximab as soon as all my tests are negative, i have presented with side effects to the steroids and the azathioprine now. when i first was diagnosed with crohns it was just a small patch in my large boel now in just 1 1/2 years it has spread in to my small bowel and in to my stomach, i was informed that if the infliximab still does not help put it in to remmission i must have all my problem areas removed by surgery, during all of this i also had granulocytes in my blood causing it to be toxic, with a high white blood cell count, i have been referred to a pschyciatrist now as it is affected me terribly and my family as i can not even hold my 3 year old son or have him sit on my lap has any one else had as much troubl ewith their crohnes as me if so talk to me because i feel very alone not being able to explain to anyone just how i feel please help hu1988. [img]/community/emoticons/confused.gif[/img]
Hu, sorry to hear of your pain. I suggest researching and looking into these things, that doctors do not tell you:
-Slippery Elm Bark Powder, 1 tsp mixed with water on empty stomach, at night.
-L-Glutamine powder 5-20grams a day mixed with water on empty stomach.
-Get on probiotics, restore the good/bad bacteria ratio in your gut (VSL#3 is specifically made for those with colitis/crohns disease)
-Eliminate gluten/wheat, dairy and sugar (fruits), processed food, from your diet for a few weeks, see if this helps.
-Look into supplementing with herbs: turmeric, boswellia, ginger root, chamomile, marshmallow root, licorice root, etc.
-Limit insoluble fiber until you know how your body deals with it.
Treat your stomach like its a newborns, it can't digest foods properly right now and needs to be acclimated back to a healthy state, take baby steps. Good luck to you. :)
-from personal experience & research.