Posted 10/23/2013 4:48 AM (GMT 0)
I have been posting in various places on these forums, mostly anxiety forum which stems from my digestive issues. I have flair ups of a stomach pain usually in left lower ab, kind of a burning feeling, it sometimes moves around. I also have a scalloped tongue and heart burn and heart fluttering. Today i had a really bad bout of diaherra. IT was very extreme i must have went to the washroom 10 times all liquid and not completely emptying my bowels. It scared me and comes and goes. I am also anemic, i found out when i went for blood tests for my bowels. I keep getting blood work done but they do not find anything substantial. I have extreme anxiety about this because it has been going on for so long and nothing is happening. Oh i also have lots of new pimples all in the same are, they are a bit different than normal ones, they are deeper under skin, painful and last a lot longer. I am not too familiar with Crohns, do my symptoms match Crohns or any other ideas.