NCOT, yes, I am EruditePaul. I changed to GentleMan yesterday, but I did not know that it would change all my previous post names.
I am deeply grateful for the overwhelming positive responses from members here. I have had Chron's for almost 20 years and I do have strictures. Yesterday, I had one of the worst abdominal pains in my life that I almost passed out. The pain was so bad that I was thinking if my small intestines burst or perforate, am I going to die that I will never see my kid? What's going to happen to my kid without his father and the financial support? From what NCOT said, it appears that the disease will not kill me quickly.
I am not constantly worried. But when I had a bad day once in a while, it made me think about the future especially my family. Members here offered me a lot of support and advice. THANK YOU, all..