Hi everyone, so I made a massive mistake this weekend and allowed myself to have popcorn Saturday night. I have been able to have it in the past when I am not flaring so thought it would be fine. Sunday morning I wake up to the worst gas pains I have ever known and cramping. My dicyclomine took care of the cramping but I am still suffering from horrible gas pains in my lower abdominals. I am constantly hot, then cold, then hot again but yet not running a fever. I have been having bowel movements, diarrhea predominately. My abdominal region is tender to the touch also. I am calling the office this morning to see if they can see me pretty quickly but has anyone had this before? Any suggestions on dealing with the gas pains. My lower abs were actually distended the other day. It does seem as I am able to expel more gas it helps slightly. And I am still seeing hulls from the popcorn in my diarrhea
Needless to say popcorn has now been moved to my big fat NO list.