Don't have much info yet, because my dad took the phone call from my GP this morning. He left me a note saying that my test results were "okay", but iron was "very low". Apparently my GP is prescribing me liquid iron to treat it. I got the note literally before I left the house and was gutted. Was not in the best frame of mind for driving. At one point I even thumped the wheel and cried out, so great was my anguish. Well, when you have a driver in front of you going 35mph on a 60mph road... ¬_¬
But seriously, I am worried about
why I am anaemic again. For
years I struggled with anaemia, but never really got on top of it until after surgery. I don't know how low is "very low" (I intend to find out tomorrow), but I do know I don't want to get on the merry-go-round of oral iron again. I could not tolerate that stuff, no matter how many formulations I tried and no matter how "gentle" they were. **** that. I want an iron infusion. I may have a battle on my hands to get it, but I'm willing to fight.
The only positive side to this is that I have the most probable answer to my burning feet/legs at night time now. It's been driving me nuts for a few weeks. I was inclined to ascribe it to a nerve issue (since I get itches along with the burning feet; but the itchiness feels 'deep', like it's underneath the skin) or to my Hashimoto's disease. If this is really caused by anaemia, then an iron infusion should fix it, like it has fixed my restless legs in the past.
Urgh, I dunno what this means. What other causes of sudden anaemia is there besides the C-word, guys? We don't talk about
that here. No C--r--o--h--n--s for me.