I have 3 daughters...
One daughter with Chrones on Remicaid for 41/2 years...
One daughter with Chrones and Interstital Cystitus
One daughter with Interstital Cystitus...
I think my daughter that takes the Remicaid has Interstital Cystitus...She is afraid to go to the doctor to find out because she was told her remicaid would be stopped...The remicaid is a life saving treatment for her. She has all the symptoms of Interstital Cystitus. There is nothing that can be done for the Interstital Cystitus....My daughters that have had Interstital Cystitus for years have had every treatment and medicine on the market. Should she stay on the remicaid and let the Interstital Cystitus be untreated as nothing helps it anyway.
My daughter that had Chrones and Interstital Cystitus has also been fighting c-dif on and off for 2 years..which is highly contagious and dibillitating. She is a severe epileptin with part of her brain removed, a vegal nerve stimulator in her chest that goes to her brain, she has had thyroid cancer....her bones are so brittle she can hit her ribs with her elbow and break them...
Can anyone tell me what do to about the Interstital Cystitus and the Chrones together...My one daughter does not have Chrones bad enough for Remicaid.