The name has a long story lol. My wife would have left even if I was healthy. I had seen it coming before I ever got sick. I'm glad she left when she did before all the resentment and hate had time to grow. We are still friends at least. I would not have wanted her to stay just because I am sick. Sleeping in separate rooms and leading separate lives is not a marriage. I know so many people in loveless and sexless marriages. They are not happy at all. Marriage is based on love not just commitment. If one side does not love the other there is not really anything there to save. Now maybe someday I can get better and find someone who loves me.
Cyborg Ninja said...
You deserve better than that, Scum. Why would you pick that name for yourself, anyway? You deserve a wife who will be with you forever, in sickness and in health. That isn't too much to ask for. I ask that my spouse loves me and God. I ask that my spouse love others, and I try to do the same. Your wife did not respect you and she did the wrong thing. She did an evil and selfish thing. And it's not ok.