I haven't been on the board in a long time as I've gotten "Crohn's buddy" who lives close to me and is willing to hear all my horror stories and comfort me and vice versa. But she hasn't gotten pregnant yet, so I'm treading into unknown territory and would like some advice.
I am 16 weeks pregnant coming this Thursday. Before I got pregnant, I was in remission for about 12 months. We started trying to get pregnant about 9 months ago but had issues due to a missed/undiagnosed thyroid problem (the tests showed within the normal range but my gyno said that he knew people usually had problems getting pregnant if the number was over 2.0). I'm still on medication for my thyroid and my number is hovering around 1.0 still, so we are all good on that front!
Anyways, when I first got pregnant I noticed the excess hormones were causing issues with stomach cramping, bloating, mucus in stool, revved up the pain and increased nausea. Now that I'm out of the first trimester and my hormones have sort of decreased, I am feeling mostly better but I can tell that my gut just isn't the same as it was before hand. Several years ago, even having my period would increase my Crohn's symptoms - it's the main reason I got an IUD for multiple years... the doctor said it could stop my period all together. I'm really worried that the actual labor is going to put me in a major flare up.
Please be brutally honest; I'd rather be prepared than feel consoled
1) When you had your child, did you see a flare-up either during or after pregnancy?
2) In terms of pain, how bad was labor pain compared to pain associated with Crohn's disease? I'm like 90% certain I'm going to get an epidural because I think maybe the pain would make a flare up more likely; I feel like being aware of uterine cramping and pain was what increased my Crohn's pain and cramping during periods. I feel like I would want to experience a drug free birth at least once, as a badge of "honor." (Yes, I know that sounds silly; maybe you should talk me out of it. )
3) Anyone have a recommendation of a good book or blog for a first time mom that is upfront and blunt and not all rainbows and sunshine? I really like feeling like I'm receiving straight talk, and not as if I'm this porcelain doll who can't handle herself and has to be fed white lies.
I appreciate the help! I've talked to a couple of my friends who have had babies, but I feel like besides the extra level of complications that could arise (which I've spoken about with my drs) that maybe this pregnancy will vary a lot compared to theirs. I know all pregnancies are different, but I guess I feel that the differences between two people without CD would be less significant that between a person with CD and a person without.