I have Crohns colitis ileitis psoriasis and some flavor of inflammatory arthritis. I'm on Cimzia. I failed Remicade (miserably) and Humira. My gut has seen some improvement and I've had weight gain but over all I have a ton of joint pain and zero energy. (And recently some unexplained weight gain).
I know the ileitis is probably active bc I continue to be B12 deficient and tested for macrocytic anemia, which is when you're b12 deficient and you get large blood cells. I take B12 supplements including injections bc the pills were not doing anything, I assume my ileum is angry bc allegedly thats where you absorb B12.
Despite taking all my meds and supps, I still feel like crap. Recently went to a top crohns specialist and see I tested positive for Anti DS DNA. Could not get this guy on the phone to follow up, was just told to go see this "prestigious" Rheum who diagnosed me with nothing. I went to this same rheum specialist 2 yrs ago and was told I am ANA negative, and so I ordered a copy of those bloods to see if the ANA was a new thing...and found out I was POSITIVE for ANA speckled back then. The eejit told me I was negative when in fact I was not negative. I have never been tested prior to starting biologics so I have no idea if I was ANA positive prior, since I do have relatives on both sides with lupus, sjogrens and colitis I guess it is a possibility that I was already like this?
How do I figure out if i have lupus in addition to Crohns? Specialists are batting me around like a tennis ball. Shouldn't someone at least be concerned that maybe I have medication induced lupus? ***?!!!! I have so much inflammation in my joints and some days I am so weak I need a nap after I shower. Would lupus be present without rash? Or if I have no rash does it mean I don't have lupus?
By the way, in addition to the ANAs, for 2 years I have been showing trace amounts of blood and protein in my urine, I was tested each time for infections, and even sent to a urologist (bc I had complained of bouts of peeing all night--just at night--for weeks at a time). My bladder was scope and I was told I have no infections, but if I have lupus in the kidney, I read it could be causing this. Is there some test I can ask for? Why wouldn't anyone check the kidneys?
Obviously I don't want to go back to specialists who dismiss me all the time. Any insight/advice would be helpful. I feel like hell in a hand basket and I thought I was crazy bc that idiot Rheum told me I was negative, but clearly, if I am positive...something lupus-like may be going on. Since all these drugs they've been loading me on can cause Lupus like syndrome, shouldn't these docs be concerned? All they say is "oh its not that that only happens in less than 2 percent of people." Unless you can have positive for both those ANA things and just have Crohns? And maybe I just feel like crap?
I have never felt good since before I was diagnosed, I'm going on 9 years now. I am tired.
The good news is my psoriasis cleared from the biologics. yay.