Duffle said...
Nicecupoftea: put me down for a signed first edition 😊.
Will do :p
Small sample: I had a bacon sarnie for lunch today. I made sure the bacon was non-SCD compliant by checking to see if it had nitrates in it: it did. I then put the bacon onto supermarket quality white bread. And it was delicious. This was washed down with a cup of tea made with cow's milk. Unfortunately all the Easter chocolate has gone, which means my sugar intake has temporarily decreased, but that won't last for long. I will soon buy some more chocolate and sweets.
vitaka said...
Totally agree. If "flare" is just referring to acute onset of symptoms (the kind that really knock you out, force you to go to ER) then we really need a word/description for all that other time when we're feeling unwell due to the disease.
ITA as well. 95% of my time with Crohn's was spent in a simmering state, not an acute flare-up. The 'simmering' got worse as the years passed, and I was sometimes very ill. But I was functional, just about
. And there was Pred to knock any acute flare-up on the head.
Eventually I became completely steroid-dependent and couldn't get off Pred at all. That I think is a different state to just having simmering disease, since you would be in hospital having emergency surgery or on TPN if it weren't for the Pred. You are basically in a flare up then, but Pred is just suppressing it.