I'm not particularly happy about
it, but I'm thinking of asking to go on azathioprine or 6MP as well. I wish I had more optimism that these meds will help rather than hurt me, but I know from bitter experience just pretending my Crohn's isn't there won't work in the long term either. Also, I'm just plain miserable as I am anyway.
I had fevers on azathioprine. I remember that quite clearly because my GP got quite alarmed when I told him and insisted I have a blood test. But at that time I was having lots of fevers because of the Crohn's anyway, so it was almost certainly a Crohn's symptom rather than a side-effect. As for weight loss, that's not a direct side-effect, but you may lose your appetite through feeling sick.
is azathioprine; it's the brand name, while azathioprine is the generic name. As for 6MP, that's very similar but not identical: azathioprine breaks down into 6MP in the body. If you want to know which is 'better', there is no definite answer, but this article is pretty interesting. Well, would be if it wasn't denser than a thicket bush.
www.gastrohep.co.uk/ebooks/irving1.pdfAs best I can make out, AZA is theoretically the more effective drug but in practice 6MP is more effective for inducing remission in Crohn's disease. However, the business with odds ratios does my head in: I need to take a crash course in statistics.
Finally, as for pancreatitis, I read there was a 5% chance of that, but not sure if I can find the link again.