Hey guys,
So for the last 5ish years I've been in remission, occasional flare up days but nothing crazy. Well the last four weeks have been awful for me.
lots of abdominal pain that will come in waves and take my breath away , sometimes causing me to throw up. No fun. about
a week ago I started developing quite intense rectal pain that did go away and now is back making it not fun to walk, sit or really move. I've also gone from having a solid BM every couple of days (was my normal to go for a few days without BMs) and now I'm having D up to 6 times a day and bad urgency, almost causing me to have accidents. Thankfully I have a GI appointment on Friday, and actually am excited because hopefully it will give me relief. The hard part is I'm on my last semester of my undergrad in nursing, I have 10 shifts left of clinical, and well that doesn't sound like a lot I'm so nervous about
it because I can barely get off my couch lately. A month from now I'll be done and I won't have to worry about
it it's just frustrating that it's interfering with my schooling
I know I'm not as bad as some I just felt like ranting. Hope I can get it under control!
Thanks in advance for listening.