Hi all -
Agree with the above on pushing off surgery as long as it's manageable, but not over stretching - if it's going to be unavoidable, better to do it in a decent shape than malnourished etc, and can also spare damage.
Call for ideas/sharing experience....In a severe Crohn's I have had ileal surgery 2 1/2 years ago for strictures with 3 feet removed in mid small intestine and have had ileal ostomy pouch since. This has worked well for inflammation reduction and weight gain - no big issues for absorbtion but unfortunately the sigmoid and rectum have shown significant fibrosis with 2x 2" of stricture (lower rectum and mid sigmoid) and a generally thickened wall for 10".
I am heading to surgery as the doctors say this is very likely irreversible given the length and severity.
I would have liked to avoid this but after 2/ 1/2 it seems like the only way to remove the pouch and hope for
normal BM functioning after this. Has anyone tried the anal / rectal stricture protocol mentioned here?
Any thoughts or feedback most welcome!
lamb61 said...
the other for a rectal stricture and I would do both again
- you mention surgery for a rectal stricture, can you pls comment more precisely on lenght / context / ostomy or not and functional results afterwards?
Fernando said...
- LIved 15 years more, strictures forming again around the Anastomosis (the point of the resection, where the scarring forms the next stricture.
Any thoughts on treatments than can reduce likelihood of adhesion / strictures reforming?
Sincere Thanks for your help and kind regards