beave said...
Are you sure you have Crohn's and not UC?
The way you describe smoking having an impact - it started when you quit smoking, got better when you started smoking again, then worsened when you quit smoking again - sounds more like the typical UC pattern than Crohn's.
Smoking usually makes Crohn's worse, and quitting smoking usually helps. But with UC, smoking sometimes helps, and quitting smoking can make UC worse.
As for the meds, I agree with 73monte.
As for the smoking. It did start not long after I initially quit and I quit for 7 years. But its also started and was actually the worst once when I returned to smoking. This time it did start a few months after quitting smoking again.. So not sure if smoking actually helped or hurt. .
The Drs labeled it crohns because they said the depth of the disease in the colon. (meaning the penetration)
Everyone asks that so I guess its not an easy answer. That was answer they gave to me.