My synopsis (only mine) of the diet:
1) Stop feeding the bad stuff in your gut by limiting types of carbs.
2) Add home made fully fermented yogurt (a strong probiotic with only specific types of bacteria) or probiotic supplement if yogurt is not tolerated, though because of the complete fermentation it is tolerated surprisingly well by people who can't normally have dairy.
3) Gradually increase complexity of foods as healing occurs (e.g. in the beginning you eat only pureed overcooked carrots. Later, raw.)
I just wanted to post my experience so far in case anyone is interested.
I started the SCD late July and did the intro diet for 5 days. 2-5 days are recommended. The intro diet serves to rest and clean the digestive system while providing decent nourishment and eliminating the types of carbs that can make it through the small intestines intact enough to feed the bad guys. Intro foods are things like homemade chicken soup with pureed carrots, home made yogurt, home made jello made with 1/2 no sugar-added grape juice and 1/2 water, home made apple or pear sauce... it's pretty boring "sick person food" but most anyone tolerates it well I understand. The bone broth from the home made chicken soup is supposed to be very healing (you boil the heck out of that poor chicken to extract as much goodness as possible). I had to learn how to make SCD-compliant yogurt which was a fun adventure. Really yummy yogurt and very fresh tasting. I immediately started making a yogurt and frozen banana smoothie nearly every day - really yummy.
So after the intro diet I started introducing new foods gradually, like one at a time, according to the book "Breaking The Vicious Cycle". So first off I added zucchini that's peeled and de-seeded and cooked to death. Then I can add squash, cooked pineapple, etc.
I recently added the friendly yeast S. Boulardii just cuz I heard it can help. Also SCD-legal digestive Enzymes.
Most people gauge whether a new food is ok or not by whether it sends them to the bathroom. In my case I have mostly had C not D, so I just kind of see if it makes me gassy or bloated. If not, I add it to my list.
The C became a real problem after a few days and I've added steamed beets to my diet which seems to help. I'm also taking magnesium. It's a little tricky on this diet because it's zero tolerance for things like starch. So you can't just take any supplement out there. You have to be really careful about
additives and screen everything carefully.
One thing I definitely noticed is that while I'm constipated, my stools are much better looking (lol) since the diet. Before, if my stools were dark they were also mucous-y. But mostly they were a sickly yellowy color and they floated, which struck me as a bit odd. I learned later that this is probably due to malabsorption. Not likely gas because I have very little of that (scary little to be honest). Anyway, they're hall of fame quality, now. I've only seen a small trace of mucous, the color is good and they sit there in the bottom of the toilet like they should
In the mean time, my blood work is excellent and CT scan unremarkable, just showing lots of constipation. This was only a week ago, 2 weeks into SCD. I still have LRQ pain and back/buttock pain but it has subsided some. Not sure if this is SCD or Asacol related. The Entocort did not seem to effect it (took 9mg for 3 weeks prior to starting Asacol). So ithe improvement either the SCD, the Asacol, both, or some synergistic effect. What I'm starting to suspect is that the discomfort may be largely due to constipation and if I am able to find a way to consistently keep things moving while healing my gut as well as possible via diet, I may be on my way to relief in that department.
If someone having diarrhea started this diet, they may find that the diarrhea goes away fairly quickly.
But sadly, my gastritis is back. I started drinking a shot of vodka here and there (hey - it's SCD legal, I couldn't get pain killers and was tired of being in pain) so I don't know if this is what caused it or if it's CD activity in my stomach. But I have to tell you that it really sucks because it manifests as constant, hollow, gnawing hunger. What seemed to make it subside last time was a liquid diet (Ensure) but I don't want to do that because it would mean leaving SCD. SO I'm going to try to just be easy on my stomach for a while and see if it goes away. darn. I really liked that vodka.
It was my one naughty thing!
Sorry so long. So far, after my experience and being in contact with others on the diet via the internet, I would say so far that this diet is worth a try. I'll post more as I learn more for anyone that cares to read.
Take care...