I am so sorry you have to go through this, but I have a story for you.
My boyfriend and I havn't been together long, but in the past year I have been hospitalized twice. The first time I was hospitalized he freaked out. He came to visit me once or twice and that was all. During that same time I lost my job (due to being sick a lot) and I joked around with him saying that he couldn't break up with me b.c I had no job and I still was sick. He started to act really weird, like not being so close to me, picking fights, and making plans without me. One Sunday we had this looong talk and he told me how he didn't want to be with someone who was sick, he didn't want to marry me, he didn't see a future and all this stuff. He didn't come out and say it, but he essentially wanted to break up with me. So I did what he wanted. I broke up with him. I packed up all my stuff and went home. It was hard and I was crying a lot.
The next day was really hard, and I had a job interview, it was the hottest day here in D.C and I was just crying and thinking about him all the time. I wanted to call and talk to him so bad, but I didn't. I was however talking to a mutual friend who was talking to both of us and she mentioned how upset he was and how all he wanted to do was come over with flowers and apologize. I finished work that day, went to my job interview and then called my ex. He came over and we had this LOOOOOOONG talk again and decided to start again.
Fast forward nearly 3 months laster, I was in hospital in July for 10 days. My boyfrined was AMAZING this time. He came everyday, brought me flowers, teddy bear, jello, panties (I always forget those) and anything else I wanted. Since then we have been really well. He also had the opportunity to talk to my dr.'s and he had a better understanding about my cd.
I think that before he was scared. Men communicate differently than women. When they are afraid they dont confide in someone they go to their little caves and dwell until they feel better. I think it is described as rubberbands, you have to let them stretch far away and then they will come back. Granted this isn't the case for everyone, some men are just pondscum. I shouldn't generalize, some people are pond scum.
First of all you need to get yourself better, this added stress is not going to help you. Then, when you can you need to talk with him and figure out what you both want to do.
Just be strong and know that a fabulous guy is out there for your :)