It just sort of happened, I realized this weekend as we were staying in a cabin on the lake, jet skiing, fishing, boating that I must be getting better. I was actually able to do all those things with only one bout of D (eatting the wrong foods) and very little pain. The increase in imuran and being back up on the prednisone must be having some effect. I am so happy! Now this is not to say come Monday morning I felt like I'd been hit by a truck, I did. I was so tired yesterday it took all my energy to work for 5 hrs. My calfs hurt really bad too. I assume from climbing the stairs back and forth to the cabin on stilts. All and all a good weekend which I wanted to share since most of my post's have been about
all the bad stuff going on. And who knows maybe I can give hope to someone that needs it.
There is life with Crohn's it's just getting there that is hard. It is trial and error for a lot of us and that is very frustrating. The way I feel may last a while but maybe not, I am just truely grateful for the time I have right now and pray it will last awhile. Thanks for listening, there is no one else (besides my family) I would rather share this news with!