This is Kitt and I am so proud of each of you for speaking up and sharing your stories. I too know many wonderful and kind Doctors. The one that did the autopsy on my son and attended his funeral, the GI Doctor my husband sees for his Crohn's and always follows up with a persoanl phone call the evening of his colonoscopy to make sure he is ok. She calls every single patient herself and she has many. The Doctor who held my hand when my Father died.
The ER Doctor, my partner, who worked long hard hours missing sleep, holidays with his family, time away from the golf course ( lol), put himself through medical school and works with Doctors Accross Borders. The man is kind and caring to everyone from the poor soul that lives under the bridge to the lawyers. Every single person he sees he treats with extreme dignity, even the patient out of his mind on Meth.
The doctors I know do not lie and hide their mistakes from the patients or their families. We have a protocol at our hospital, we tell the patient the truth up front when we make a mistake, why lie as we are only human and yes Doctors can make a mistake. Does not everyone or is there someone out there that is perfect ? I know I am just human.
On 911, we should be celebrating the medical field, EMS, Fire, Police, and all the people that came forward to try to save the lives of so many only to go home in tears of pain like the rest of the country.
Everyone of you is a special person, thank you for speaking out in such a positive and respectful manner.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Amen.