When I was reading your post, I felt like I was reading about me! I'm not kidding! I've had CD for 10 years and was honestly a very bad patient, due to the fact that my CD was really bad...Foward 10 years, two kids, masters degree and a fabulous but high demanding job= CD got worse.
Was in the ER 5 weeks ago (day before an event I was coordinating for 800 people). Had a colonoscopy the followig Tuesday and began Remicade the week after that.
I have to tell you the week after the 1st infusion, I felt like a completely NEW PERSON, it was unbelievable...I hadn't felt that good in 10 years, but then the next infusion was 2 weeks ago and NOTHING...still feel like POOP, very bloated...really bloated and just feel sluggish. I have to say though, my fistulas are under control.
I hope this helped.