Posted 9/24/2007 9:31 PM (GMT 0)
I have been in so much pain the last month or so I cannot stand it !! Its pretty bad when a grown 64 year old man cries in the doc's office. kPain med don really work. I am going in tomorrow to the hospital for colonoscopy/endoscopy. I get the max of remicade every 7 weeks and have gerd so bad it looks like raw hamburger. Had part of illium taken out , been on everything thats out there. Been in the ER so much they know me by my first name and they are going to name a new wing after me. I have lower back and stomach pain so bad I cannot stand it, I have had three back surgeries so I do not know if the back pain is crohns ??? Whats you pain leval when they say between 1- 10 .....what do you think ? Morphine doesnt work on me, , a month ago when I was in ER my blood preasure was 202/119 it took three shots of delidad ( spelling ? ) to get preasure down and pain down...well next day I am still in tomorrow I will see or my wife will ( I will be out of it ) Right now cant get to far away from the bathroom. I hope I dont have to have surgery , but whats the chance of that...I just do NOT know how much more of t his I can take !!